ほぼ英語で学ぶ英単語 0001 deserted

The word “deserted” is used to mean “unattended” 「人がいない」or “abandoned”「見捨てられた」. The word is used as an adjective to describe a situation in which a place or thing has been abandoned by a person.

Let’s take a look at example sentences.

1. The park was deserted early in the morning.(朝早く、公園は人がいなかった。)

2. He felt deserted when his friends didn’t show up.(友達が来なくて、彼は見捨てられたと感じた。)

3. The old house looked deserted and spooky.(その古い家は人がいなくて、不気味に見えた。)

“Desert” means 砂漠. So you can get a kind of image from there. There’s nothing and you are alone in the open empty space, kinda can relate to that image, right?