Let’s try 実況中継トレーニング together!!
What we will do in this training is that we are going to describe what we see dividing into three categories.
The reason why we are going to create these categories is that so we can make the sentences easier and smoother.
But once you get used to making sentences, the categories are not needed.
Let’s briefly take a look at three categories together.
Focus on things.
Try to spot the things in the scene
describe where it’s located what this thing looks like.
Focus on your feelings and thoughts.
Looking at the scene
what do you feel
what thoughts comes up in your mind
Let’s express all those things in English.
I think these categories are something that we are naturally mumbling in our head, normally in Japanese. But we are going to force ourselves to say them in English!!
By repeating this training, it’ll strengthen our skill of creating the English phrases, faster and smoother!!
After this training, please keep on doing it whenever you capture a scene that you felt like you have something you can say!!!
Table of Contents
カテゴリー1 Focus on PERSON/ PEOPLE 「人」
The second man from the right is about to dive in.
“jump in”という表現もプールに飛び込むイメージがありますが、彼の姿勢を見てみるとジャンプの「飛ぶ」という感じではないので、この場合は”dive inが適しています。
Except for the man on the very far left, other 3 guys are wearing swim caps.
水泳帽 = swim cap
The 3 guys in swim caps are about to dive in at the same time.
about to = まさに〜しようとしている
A man that’s face was partially covered by flag is walking behind everyone else.
部分的に隠れた = partially covered
A person in orange long shirt is recording from the back left side.
カテゴリー2 Focus on THINGS 「物」
The clock hanged in the back is pointing at 2:35.
There’s triangle shaped flag hanged over the middle of the pool.
All the blinds are closed.
This pool is a competitive pool.
競技用プール = competitive pool
ウォータースライダーなどがある、遊べるプールの施設は”water park”になります。
There are swimming pool bench behind every swimmers.
カテゴリー3 Focus on FEELINGS & THOUGHTS 「気持ち・考え」
All these guys seem they are great swimmers.
What style will they going to swim in?!
I didn’t know there are different length of swim shorts they can choose for guys.
Says it’s 2:35. Wonder if they are thinking it’s getting closer to the snack time. lol
I wonder if the guy walking behind everyone was dropped out.
離脱 = drop out
RisaT Example Sentences(参考になりそうな例文を紹介)
There are no wrong answers in this training!!
The sentences that are written here are just a few examples.
Please take a look briefly and if there’s any words or phrases interests you, please make them useful in your own training!!
カテゴリー1 <右から二番目の男性に関して>
A man in white swim cap is at the second from the right.
The man in white swim cap is wearing a little longer swim shorts than others.
カテゴリー2 <プールに関して>
The pool is sectioned by each lane.
区分 = sectioned
他にも分けられているという表現で”divided”や”split up”という風にも言うことができます。
The pool is filled with full of water.
カテゴリー3 <オレンジのシャツを着た男性に関して>
I wonder if the long sleeve shirt isn’t hot…
I mean… what exactly is he filming?
普段アウトプットの機会が足りないから全然慣れないよ〜!という方はぜひ、私のオンラインサロンRisa’s Clubhouseに遊びに来てください。少しでも毎日英語をアウトプットして、使える英語を身につけていきましょう!
Focus on a person/people.
Observe what the person or people are doing or wearing and phrase those observation in English.